Dars-i-Qur’an | Surahwise
“If Allah guides a person through you, it is better for you than all that is on the earth.”
Bukhari No. 2783 & Muslim No. 2406
Surah / Chapthers of Holy Quran. From Surah 1 to Surah 114, click the Surah Name to read.
No. |
Surah |
Meaning |
1 | سورة الفاتحة | The Opener |
2 | سورة البقرة | The Cow |
3 | آل عمران سورة | The Family of Imran |
4 | سورة النساء | Women |
5 | سورة المائدة | The Table |
6 | سورة الأنعام | The Cattle |
7 | سورة الأعراف | The Heights |
8 | سورة الأنفال | The Spoils of War |
9 | سورة التوبة | The Repentance |
10 | سورة يونس | Jonah |
11 | سورة هود | Huud |
12 | سورة يوسف | Joseph |
13 | سورة الرعد | The Thunder |
14 | سورة إبراهيم | Abraham |
15 | سورة الحجر | The Stoneland |
16 | سورة النحل | The Bees |
17 | سورة بنیٓ اسرآئیل / الإسرَاء | Children of Israel |
18 | سورة الكهف | The Cave |
19 | سورة مريم | Mary |
20 | سورة طه | Ta Ha |
21 | سورة الأنبياء | The Prophets |
22 | سورة الحج | The Pilgrimage |
23 | سورة المؤمنون | The Believers |
24 | سورة النور | The Light |
25 | سورة الفرقان | The Criterion, The Standard |
26 | سورة الشعراء | The Poets |
27 | سورة النمل | The Ant, The Ants |
28 | سورة القصص | The Narrations – The Stories |
29 | سورة العنكبوت | The Spider |
30 | سورة الروم | The Romans |
31 | سورة لقمان | Luqman |
32 | سورة السجدة | The Prostration, Worship, Adoration |
33 | سورة الأحزاب | The Clans, The Coalition, The Combined Forces |
34 | سورة سبأ | Saba, Sheba |
35 | سورة ﺍﻟملائكة / فاطر | The Angels, The Originator |
36 | سورة يس | O Sin |
37 | سورة الصافات | The Rangers, Drawn Up In Ranks |
38 | سورة ص | The Letter Sad |
39 | سورة الزمر | The Troops, Throngs |
40 | سورة غافر / المؤمن | The Forgiver (Allah), The Believers |
41 | سورة حٰمٓ السجدة / فُصّلَت | Explained in Detail, Distinguished, Clearly Spelled Out |
42 | سورة الشورى | Council, Consultation |
43 | سورة الزخرف | Ornaments Of Gold, Luxury |
44 | سورة الدخان | Smoke |
45 | سورة الجاثية | Crouching, The Kneeling, Hobbling, Kneeling Down |
46 | سورة الأحقاف | The Dunes, The Sandhills, The Sand-Dunes |
47 | سورة محمد | Muḥammad |
48 | سورة الفتح | Victory, Conquest |
49 | سورة الحجرات | The Private Apartments |
50 | سورة ق | The Letter Qāf |
51 | سورة الذاريات | The Winnowing Winds |
52 | سورة الطور | The Mount |
53 | سورة النجم | The Star |
54 | سورة القمر | The Moon |
55 | سورة الرحمن | The Most Gracious, The Beneficent, The Mercy Giving |
56 | سورة الواقعة | The Event |
57 | سورة الحديد | The Iron |
58 | سورة المجادلة | The Pleading Woman |
59 | سورة الحشر | The Exile |
60 | سورة الممتحنة | She That is to be Examined |
61 | سورة الصف | The Ranks |
62 | سورة الجمعة | The Congregation |
63 | سورة المنافقون | The Hypocrites |
64 | سورة التغابن | Mutual Disillusion |
65 | سورة الطلاق | The Divorce |
66 | سورة التحريم | The Banning |
67 | سورة الملك | The Sovereignty |
68 | سورة القلم | The Pen |
69 | سورة الحاقة | The Reality |
70 | سورة المعارج | The Ascending Stairways |
71 | سورة نوح | Noah |
72 | سورة الجن | The Jinn |
73 | سورة المزمل | The Enshrouded One |
74 | سورة المدثر | The Cloaked One |
75 | سورة القيامة | The Rising of the Dead |
76 | سورة الإنسان / الدَّهْرِ | Man |
77 | سورة المرسلات | The Emissaries |
78 | سورة النبأ | The Tidings |
79 | سورة النازعات | Those Who Drag Forth |
80 | سورة عبس | He Frowned |
81 | سورة التكوير | The Overthrowing |
82 | سورة الانفطار | The Cleaving |
83 | سورة المطففين | Defrauding |
84 | سورة الانشقاق | The Sundering |
85 | سورة البروج | The Mansions of the Stars |
86 | سورة الطارق | The Morning Star |
87 | سورة الأعلى | The Most High |
88 | سورة الغاشية | The Overwhelming |
89 | سورة الفجر | The Dawn |
90 | سورة البلد | The City |
91 | سورة الشمس | The Sun |
92 | سورة الليل | The Night |
93 | سورة الضحى | The Morning Hours |
94 | سورة الشرح | The Solace |
95 | سورة التين | The Fig |
96 | سورة العلق | The Clot |
97 | سورة القدر | Power |
98 | سورة البينة | The Clear Proof |
99 | سورة الزلزلة | The Quake |
100 | سورة العاديات | The Coursers |
101 | سورة القارعة | The Calamity |
102 | سورة التكاثر | Rivalry In Worldly Increase |
103 | سورة العصر | The Declining Day |
104 | سورة الهمزة | The Gossip monger |
105 | سورة الفيل | The Elephant |
106 | سورة قريش | The Quraysh |
107 | سورة الماعون | The Neighbourly Assistance |
108 | سورة الكوثر | Abundance |
109 | سورة الكافرون | The Disbelievers |
110 | سورة النصر | The Help |
111 | سورة المسد | The Plaited Rope |
112 | سورة الإخلاص | Purity of Faith |
113 | سورة الفلق | The Rising Dawn |
114 | سورة الناس | Mankind, Men |